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Building - Bangalore


Srishti Manipal’s New Campus: A Story in Participative Design

Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) Off-Campus centre, Bengaluru

Srishti Manipal Institute’s New Campus - Academic Block 03

At the Bengaluru Campus, Srishti Manipal offers its Undergraduate Skill-based Vocational Program, Undergraduate Professional Program, Postgraduate Professional Program, Postgraduate Arts Programs, Integrated Doctoral Program as well as the Doctoral Program

Srishti Manipal emphasis first hand learning through making and managing materials, processes and technologies enabling industriousness as a virtue. To this end, Srishti has a weaving studio with looms and a textile workshop at its Campus. These and other facilities at the campus enable students to research, combine and collaborate craft and technology, acquiring and using the skills of both the craft industry as well as the technologies and processes of the future.

MAHE Off-Campus centre, Bengaluru, Academic Block 03 - SMI

Picture Credits: Ajith Samuel

Picture Credits: Ajith Samuel

Picture Credits: Ajith Samuel

Picture Credits: Ajith Samuel

Picture Credits: Ajith Samuel

Picture Credits: Ajith Samuel

Picture Credits: Ajith Samuel

Picture Credits: Ajith Samuel